Ų 뿡 ̹ ū α⸦ ü 䱸ϴ ϴ. Ų پ ۰ Ͽ, ư ڽ ̸ ۰ ϴ ߵ 䱸 Ű ݸ(Wilkie Collins) Elizabeth Gaskell, Anthony Trolllope Ƿ ۰ ÿ ϴ. Ź TTN Korea (English Classics) Բ , õ, ϵ п! B
Ų , Ű ݸ : Ⱓ ۾ ۰ ϳ Ű ݸ(Wilkie Collins)(1824~1889) ϴ. 27 39 12 ̿ ұϰ, 1851 ó , ̴ Ų ̾ϴ. Ų Ʈ (Kate Perugini)(1839~1929), Ƽ(Katey) Ű ݸ ý ݸ(Charles Allston Collins)(1828~1873) ȥ ߽ϴ. Ű Ų ռϰ ȰϿϴ. ۰ Ŀ Ⱓ (The Woman in White)(1859), (The Moonstone)(1868) Ž Ҽ ۰(the first modern English detective novel) ϳ ҽϴ. ģ Ű ݷ Ʈ(www.wilkie-collins.info) Ǿ ֽϴ.
ũ д Ų ̾߱ Ǵ!! : ٴٿ (A Message from the Sea by Charles Dickens)(1860) Ų Ű ݸ 1860 12 13 ߹(All the Year Round) ũ ̾߱(Christmas story) Ⱓ ǰ, Ų 1, 2, 5, Ű ۰ 3 4 Ͽϴ. Ⱓ κ 3 4 ܵǾ ־ ̾߱ ü 帧 ˱ ƴٴ Ѱ谡 ֽϴ. ڵ 3 4 ãƺ ã , ̸ ־ Ұմϴ. ͷγ κ ñ!
̱ (Captain Silas Jorgan) !! : Ҽ ۰ ȣ (Devon fishing village) ۵˴ϴ. And a mighty singlar and pretty place it is, as ever I saw in all the days of my life! said Captain Jorgan, looking up at it. " Ҵ ó, װ ũ Ƹٿ Դϴ!" װ ÷ٺ ߽ϴ. ΰ ̱ ö (Captain Silas Jorgan) ϰ ȶ ι Ų Ű ݸ ̱ ϸ ι Ҽ ij Ͽϴ. ö (Captain Silas Jorgan) ĸƾ (Captain Morgan)̶ ι Ƽ âߴٰ ϳ.
̾ (Devonshire) ģ û (Alfred Raybrock) ŰƼ(Kitty) ȯ븦 . ҽ ȯϱ ̿ϴ. ڽ ؿ 쿬 ߰ (Alfred Raybrock) ־ϴ. ġ ϰ, ̾ (Devonshire) ãư ̿. Ϸ ŰƼ ȥ ǰ, Բ (Lanrean) ϴ 濡 ϴ. ŰƼ ڷ ϰ.
However! Enough of that! You spoke some brave words to me just now, Captain Jorgan, and they shall not be spoken in vain. I have got to do something. What I have got to do, before all other things, is to trace out the meaning of this paper, for the sake of the Good Name that has no one else to put it right. And still for the sake of the Good Name, and my fathers memory, not a word of this writing must be breathed to my mother, or to Kitty, or to any human creature. You agree in this?
н 5 ˴ϴ. 500 Ŀ ѷ Ͽϴ. ǰ ̱ ٴٿ (A Message from the Sea) ϱ?!
How they were all overpowered with delight and triumph; how the money was restored, then and there, to Tregarthen; how Tregarthen, then and there, gave it all to his daughter; how the captain undertook to go to Dringworth Brothers and re-establish the reputation of their forgotten old clerk; how Kitty came in, and was nearly torn to pieces, and the marriage was reappointed, needs not to be told. Nor how she and the young fisherman went home to the post-office to prepare the way for the captains coming, by declaring him to be the mightiest of men, who had made all their fortunes,—and then dutifully withdrew together, in order that he might have the domestic coast entirely to himself. How he availed himself of it is all that remains to tell.
ٴٿ (A Message from the Sea by Charles Dickens)(1860) ̾߱ : 3 Ŭ (The Club Night) Ѱ ȹ Ų Wilkie Collins Charles Allston Collinse Henry F. Chorley, Amelia Edwards, Harriet Parr پ ۰ ̾߱⸦ ϳ ̾߱ 籸Ͽϴ. Ҽ ̺ ѷ մԵ ư鼭 ڽŸ ˰ ִ Ⱬϸ鼭 ȯ ˴ϴ. ̴ ٸ ۰ ʰ ִ Ų !
Ų in Ƹī : Ų ̱ ּ 2 湮Ͽµ, 1842 ù ° 湮 ̱ ۱ǹ ū ս ƾ óƮ(Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens)(1844) ̱ ̱ȭ ȤϿϴ. ̷ ̱ Ų . Ų ̱ ⰣϿϴ. 1867 湮 Ѱ ü ̱ Ͽ, Ⱓ ǰ ŷ ̱ ΰ ϴ ٷ ٴٿ (A Message from the Sea by Charles Dickens)(1860)Դϴ. ̱ 忡 Ѱ ̷ο ü ִ ǰ̱ .
ѷα(Prologue). Ź TTN Korea (English Classics) 999 о ϴ 7
ȭ 18 Ű д Ų(Charles Dickens)
01. 뵿 (100 Great British Heroes)
02. ũ ƹ(Father Christmas)? ũ ߸ ۰(The man who invented Christmas)!
03. ڵ ģ, ̵ Ŀ, (Sympathiser)
04. ȭ۰ ȵ(Andersen) Ų 5ֳ ӹ?
05. (1987) Ʈν (Westminster Abbey) ϼҼ
06. Ų! Ų(Dickensian)!
07. ũ ij(A Christmas Carol in Prose ; Being a Ghost Story of Christmas)(1843)
08. ̾߱(A Tale of Two Cities)(1859)
08-1. ũ (Christopher Nolan) ũ Ʈ (The Dark Knight Rises)(2012)
08-2. ӽ Į(Thomas Carlyle) (The French Revolution)(1837)
09. (Great Expectations)(1860~1861)
10. ø ƮƮ(Oliver Twist)(1837~1839)
11. ̺ ʵ(David Copperfield)(1849~1850)
11-1. ø 彺̽(Oliver Goldsmith) The Vicar of Wakefield(1766)
12. (Hard Times)(1854)
13. Ų 7
14. (Audio Books) Ų(Charles Dickens)
15. Ų(Charles Dickens) (Quotes)(60)
Ų ٴٿ (A Message from the Sea by Charles Dickens)(1860)
Chapter I. The Village
Chapter II. The Money
Chapter V. The Restitution
η(Appendix). ϴ ġĿ ȳ(The Hitchhiker's Guide to Worldss Classics)
A01. Ϲ (Harvard Book Store) õ 100(Staff's Favorite 100 Books) & Ǹŵ 100(Top 100 Books)
A02. 嵵 100
A03. ʵ 200
A04. б ķ۽ 嵵 100
A05. , , 嵵 60
A06. հб ż() 100
A07. ĸŸ Į(Humanitas College) ʵ 100
A08. (װ) 嵵 100
A09. ī̽Ʈ(KAIST) ϸ õ 100
A10. л õ(44)
A11. (English Classics) 5 (How to listen to FREE audio Books legally?)
A12. ȭ (Movies And TV Shows Based on English Classic Books)
ȭ (Korea Round Travel) & (World Round Travel)(049)
Ź TTN Korea (English Classics) 999
Ź TTN Korea (1,108)
Ų(Charles Dickens)
뵿 (100 Great British Heroes) : Ų ģ ä (Debtor's Prison) ¾ Ұ 12 Ϸ 10ð ̴ ξ (Warren 's Blacking Warehouse) Ȧ ٹ߽ϴ. б ٴ , Ȳ ұϰ ӱ 繫(the law office) ϱ 繫(a junior clerk), ӱ ٹϿ, ũδŬ(The Morning Chronicle) , Ʋ ̽(Bentley's Miscellany) Ȱϸ ڽ ˳ մϴ. ΰ , ؾϴ ڳ Ȱ İ߰ ִ ؾ Ͽ, 1833 ս Ű(Monthly Magazine) ÷ Ÿ (A Dinner at Poplar Walk) , ݾ α⸦ ϸ鼭 ۰ Ų Ȱϰ ˴ϴ.
뵿 ¸ ü Ų ̸ ƴ, ȸ Ͽ, ̸ δ ϰ, δ dzϴ ô ڵ, ٴ dz ̱ ڵ鿡Ե Ͽϴ. ̱ Ų ̸ ϰ ϱ ߽ϴ. Ư ü Ư ۰ 翡 ȭ – ϸ Ŭ ḻ(Cliffhanger endings) ڵ ﰢ ݿϴ , ״ ǰ ռ ʷ ְ ȣ а Ÿ ҽϴ. ܿ ü ߰ϰ, ڰ å о ִ ȸ δ絵 Ȱϰ ÷, ʵб Ȱǰ ִ ܰ Ʈ(Kent) ֿ 常Ͽϴ. ٸ ڳฦ 10̳ ٰ ģô ε ûŹ Ӿ ôȽϴٸ, Ǿϴ. Ŀ ڽ Ű α Ͽ , ¾ 뵿 ۰ν ӿ иմϴ.
ǰ Ͽ ֵ 2002 BBC 100(100 great British heroes) BBC Ҽ 100(The 100 greatest British novels) Ȯ ֽϴ. BBC 100(100 great British heroes) 41, BBC Ҽ 100(The 100 greatest British novels) 4 ũ (Great Expectations) 4 ǰ ø Ͽϴ. ǥϴ Ҽ 100 ۰ 4 ø Ͼ (Virginia Woolf) Բ ƴ ! 2017 ijٿ ǰ ƴ϶, ΰ Ų ÷ ȭ Ų (The Man Who Invented Christmas)(2017) ϱ Ͽϴ.
ڵ ģ, ̵ Ŀ, (Sympathiser) : Ų ǰ ̿ ǰ ֵ ģ Ʈ(Charles West) ϴ Ʈ (Great Ormond Street Hospital) (Drooping Buds) ǥ, ȸ(public readings) , Ͼ Ƽ(Urania cottage) پ ڼȰ ̵ θ ĿϿϴ. Ư װ ڽ ǰ д ȸ(public readings) ߵ Ҵٰ ϳ! ó ġ, ̵ ̳ а ̴ϴ.
(Coutts banking) ӹ θ (Angela Burdett Coutts) Բ Ͼ Ƽ(Urania cottage) 뵿ڸ ϰ, 米ϱ Դϴ. Ų Ŀ ƴ϶ , ߱ Ͽϴ. ̵ ġ, θ Ŀϴٴ?! ָ(?!), 19 ʸ ΰ Ȱ ȸ Ҵ ñ⿴ϴ. ǰ , 뵿, 뵿 ȸκ ҿܹ ̵ װ Ȳ ȭǾ Դϴ. ο ְ Ʈν (Westminster Abbey) Ͷ(South Transept) Ͽϴ. Ͷ(South Transept) ۰, , Ҽ ־ ڳ(Poets' Corner) Ҹ մϴ. Űø(Joseph Rudyard Kipling), ӽ ϵ(Thomas Hardy) ´ ֽϴ.
ũ ƹ(Father Christmas)? ũ ߸ ۰(The man who invented Christmas)! : BBC Ҽ 100(The 100 greatest British novels) ԵǾ , ˷ ǰ ܿ ũ ij(A Christmas Carol in Prose)Դϴ. Ų 1843 12 9 ũ ij(A Christmas Carol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas.) Ⱓ 6000ΰ Ϸ ū α⸦ Ƚϴ. ̿ Ų ų ũ Ҽ ǥϿ, ̸ 5 ũ (Christmas Books)Դϴ. ũ (Christmas Books) ߿ ˷ ũ ij(A Christmas Carol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas.)(1843) з ٰ μ ũ(Ebenezer Scrooge) ũ ̺꿡 ڽ ſ , ̷ ƺ ̿ Բ ٴ ܼ Ǽ¡ ȭ ȭε ϰ ۵Ǿϴ.
19 ô븦 ġ, ã ÷ Ͽ ñ⿴ϴ. ũ Բ Ϸν ǹ̴ ϰ ۿ ϴٸ... Ų ǰ ϴ ũ ǰ α Բ ϰ Ǿ, ܿ dz渶 ٲҽϴ. ̿ θ Ѵٴ, ̵鿡 ִ , ǰ ij Բ θ μ (Scrooge) Ų Ŀ ũ Դϴ. ̰ ߵ п Ų ũ ƹ(Father Christmas) Ȥ ũ ߸ ۰(The man who invented Christmas) Ī Ǿϴ. װ ̵ ũ ʴ ųİ Կ .