ũ ͽ ڻ (The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus)(1588~1592) ϴ ͽ(Faustus) ۰ (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)(1749~1832) Ŀ콺Ʈ(Faust)(1829) ι̴?! װ ũ ǰ ǥ ǰ?! Կũ Ŀ콺Ʈ(Johann Georg Faust)(1480~1541) ϸ ݼ , Ͽ ڷν ϴ. ȭ, ϸ Ŀ콺Ʈ (Fauststoff) źϿ, ̸ å 1587 Ͽ Ⱓ Ŀ콺Ʈ ڻ (Historia von D. Fausten)(1587)Դϴ. å ũ δ ġ, ͽ ڻ (The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus)(1588~1592) Դϴ. ܿ ۰ ī ϵ(Oscar Wilde)(1854~1900), 丶 峲 Ŭ콺(Klaus Heinrich Thomas Mann)(1906~1949) ۰ Ŀ콺Ʈ (Fauststoff) ǰ ֽϴ. Ŭ콺 ǽ(Mephisto)(1936) ι Ѽߴٴ Ƿ ʷ Ⱓ ̷ ǸŰ Ǿϴ. Ź TTN Korea (English Classics) Բ , õ, ϵ п! B
Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed
In one self place, for where we are is hell,
And where hell is must we ever be.
Ѱ谡 , ѵ ϴ.
츮 ִ ̴ϱ
ִ 츮 ݵ ־ մϴ.
ũ ο ͽǾ(William Shakespeare)(1564~1616) ?! : Ѿ ְ ۰ ͽǾ(William Shakespeare)(1564~1616) 39 մ ǥϿϴ. ϴ ̵鵵 , ŭ ѷ Ȥ ʽϴ. , ͽǾ ô Ȱ ũ Ҵٴ ˷ ִµ, ̴ Ȱ Ⱓ ġ ªҰ ǰ Ӵ ܸԿ ۰ Ǿ Դϴ. ͽǾ 鿡 Ҵٴ ڵ ϴ Ƿ ǥ 4 ǰ žƺ ǽİ 翡 ־ 缺 ȮϽ ֽϴ. ܸ(Hamlet)(1609) , īŸ (The Tragedy of Dido Queene of Carthage)(1585~1587) ΰ (Dido) ŷе˴ϴ.
ο (Hero and Leander)(1598) ϴ ù ?(Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?)̶ ͽǾ Ͻõ(As You Like It)(1623) οǾµ, ̴ ͽǾ ǰ ϰ Ȯ ۰ ǰ(the only identifiable work of a contemporary writer quoted in any of the plays of William Shakespeare)Դϴ. ȭ ͽǾ (Shakespeare in Love)(1998) ٿ δ ͽǾ ǰ dz״µ. ̿ ͽǾ ٷ ι̿ ٸ(Romeo and Juliet)Դϴ. ΰ ͽǾ ô뿡 Ȱ ۰ӿ ٰ â Դϴ. 2016 ۵ Ǻ ũ ΰ ͽǾ 6(Henry VI) Ͽϴ. ̴ ͽǾ 8 Ͽٴ ̷° ô뿡 Ȱ ۰̸, ǰ οϴ ͽǾ Ҵٴ м Դϴ.
What art thou Faustus, but a man condemned to die? Ľͽ ڻ Դϱ ? ˸ ֽϱ?
ƹ (Tamburlaine the Great)(1587~1588) : ũ (Christopher Marlowe) (Blank verse)̶ ʱ غ (the dramatic literature of the Early Modern English theatre) ǰԴϴ. ƹ (Tamburlaine the Great) ü Ͻð ̴ Ƽ Ƽ ī(Amir Temur ko'ragoniy ibn Amir Tarag'ay ibn Amir Burqul)(1336~1405), ϸ Ƽ(Temur) ǥԴϴ. , Ư ̽ ħ ص ηϿµ, ħκ ( ٴٸ dz ʾǷ) ġ ¾ ڸ Ƽ ƽϰ غ Ͽٴ ̷ο Դϴ. Ƹ ϱ ߾Ӿƽþ ִ ̱ dz ijͰ ߵ Ÿ ڱϿ Դϴ. п ũ (Christopher Marlowe) ǰ ְ ǥ ϴ. 1587 ʿ ȹ 2ΰ ۵Ǿ ̿ 1ο 2η Ǵ ǰ ϰǾϴ. 1587 1, 1590 1ο 2ΰ ߰Ǿ ߰ ۰ Ǿ ־ Ĵ ڵ ũ (Christopher Marlowe) ǰ Ǿϴ. ⰣǾ ֽϴ.
Make me immortal with a kiss. Ű Ҹ ּ.
Ÿ (The Jew of Malta)(1589~1590) : Ÿ (The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta)̳, ˴ϴ. ״ ٶٽ(Barabas) Ÿ(Malta) ΰ մϴ. Ÿ Ű شϴ ȣŽŽ 븮 ¿ϴ. ̿ Ÿ (The Governor of Malta) ̸ ũ(Turks) ŷ ϰ ϱ ҹ зϴµ... ̿ г ٶٽ(Barabas) ѵ ϻ ܺ ° о Ÿ ȥ ư óϰ ϴ. ΰ ڽ Ƴִ ̶ İ ̾߱ ô ۰鿡 ū Ȱϴ.
It lies not in our power to love or hate, For will in us is overruled by fate. ϰų ̿ϴ 츮 ʽϴ. 츮 DZ Դϴ.
ѷα(Prologue). Ź TTN Korea (English Classics) 101 о ϴ 7
12 Ű д ũ (Christopher Marlowe) by ȭ
01. ں ô ۰(the pre-eminent Elizabethan playwright), ũ (Christopher Marlowe)(1564~1593)
02. ũ ο ͽǾ(William Shakespeare)(1564~1616) ?!
03. , īŸ (The Tragedy of Dido Queene of Carthage)(1585~1587)
03-1. 渮콺(Vergilius) ̳̽(Aeneid)(BC 19)
04. ƹ (Tamburlaine the Great)(1587~1588)
05. Ÿ (The Jew of Malta)(1589~1590)
06. ͽ ڻ (The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus)(1588~1592)
07. 2(Edward the Second)(1592)
08. ĸ л(Massacre at Paris)(1593)
09. ο (Hero and Leander)(1598)
10. ũ (Christopher Marlowe) 11
11. (Audio Books) ũ (Christopher Marlowe)
12. ũ (Christopher Marlowe) (Quotes)(30)
ũ ͽ ڻ (The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe)(1592)
Dramatis Personae
The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
η(Appendix). ϴ ġĿ ȳ(The Hitchhiker's Guide to Worldss Classics)
A01. Ϲ (Harvard Book Store) õ 100(Staff's Favorite 100 Books) & Ǹŵ 100(Top 100 Books)
A02. 嵵 100
A03. ʵ 200
A04. б ķ۽ 嵵 100
A05. , , 嵵 60
A06. հб ż() 100
A07. ĸŸ Į(Humanitas College) ʵ 100
A08. (װ) 嵵 100
A09. ī̽Ʈ(KAIST) ϸ õ 100
A10. л õ(44)
A11. (English Classics) 5 (How to listen to FREE audio Books legally?)
A12. ȭ (Movies And TV Shows Based on English Classic Books)
ȭ (Korea Round Travel) & (World Round Travel)(049)
Ź TTN Korea (English Classics) 101
Ź TTN Korea (954)
ũ (Christopher Marlowe)
ĵͺ(Canterbury) : ũ (Christopher Marlowe) 1564 2 26 ĵͺ(Canterbury) ο(shoemaker John Marlowe) ij(Katherine) Ƶ ¾, Ʈ ȸ(St George's Church, Canterbury) ʸ ҽϴ. װ ʸ ȸ ž Ǿ , ĵͺ ̸ ڹ(The Marlowe Theatre), (The Marlowe Kit), Ż ӹ(Escape Room: Marlowe's Ghost) ֽϴ. ô Ȱ ۰ ͽǾ(William Shakespeare)(1564~1616) 4 26 2 Դϴ. αٿ Ʈ ĵͺ(The Marlowe Monument Canterbury) (Marlowe Memorial) ġǾϴ. ũ δ ŷ (The King's School, Canterbury) ۽ ũƼ Į(Corpus Christi College, Cambridge) б ް ٳ л̿, 1584 л (Bachelor of Arts degree) ̾ (Master of Arts degree) Ͽϴ.
ũ δ ?! : ϴ ϳ ũ۰ ý ̾ (Sir Francis Walsingham)(1532~1590) Ȥ ιƮ (Robert Cecil)( 1563~1612) (secret agent) Ȱߴٴ ȤԴϴ. Ȯ ٴ , ߹п(the Privy Council) з ຸ ̸鿡 𰡰 ո ߷ մϴ. δ 1584 1585 Ⱓ Ἦ Ͽ ƴ϶, б ʰϴ ķǰ ߱ ֽϴ.
ں ô ۰(the pre-eminent Elizabethan playwright) : ũ (Christopher Marlowe) غ ̿ϼ (Hero and Leander)(1598) ϸ Ұ, ߽ dz α⸦ ϴ. (Blank verse) (the first English play written in blank verse)̶ Ư¡ ϸ, ũ ô ں ô (the beginning of the mature phase of the Elizabethan theatre) ٰ ˴ϴ.
̷ (Admiral's Men) ˷(Edward Alleyn) ؿ ֿ ϸ α⸦ ϴ. ũ ̸ θ ˸ ƹ (Tamburlaine the Great)(1587~1588) Ÿ (The Jew of Malta)(1589~1590), ͽ ڻ (The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus)(1588~1592) Ͽϴ. ״ ſ Ű Ǵµ, ũ ǰ ǹ ij 縦 ھƳ½ϴ.
ũ δ 29 ̷ Ͽ? : δ Ͼ ú ο Ұ 29 ̷ ܸϿϴ. װ ͽǾ ۰ν Ȱ ִ õ翴ٴ ϸ, ª Ȱ ʹ Ÿ 븩Դϴ. , پ Ȥ ǰ ֽϴ. 1593 ۼ ν Ű Ȥ ߰. װ ϴ ιƮ (Robert Cecil)(1563~1612) ιƮ 轺(Robert Devereux, Duke of Essex) ؼ. 2(Edward the Second)(1592) ǰ г ս ؼ, ĸ л(Massacre at Paris)(1593) ȸ ؼ, ٸ ۰ ؼ . Ʈ ݶ ȸ(St Nicholas's church, Deptford) Ǿ, ν (Westminster Abbey) ϴ â ġǾϴ. ۵ ķ긮 б ߰Ǿϴ.
All beasts are happy,
For, when they die,
Their souls are soon dissolv'd in elements;
But mine must live still to be plagu'd in hell.
Curs'd be the parents that engender'd me!
No, Faustus, curse thyself, curse Lucifer
That hath depriv'd thee of the joys of heaven.
ȥ ҷ ص˴ϴ.
ؼ ־ ؿ.
ֶ ڱϴ θ ſ!
ƴ, Ŀ콺ͽ, ڽ ϰ ۸ ؿ
װ ϴ Ѿư.